WP&BC Member Appreciation
Thursday, August 23, 2018
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Tesla Dealership

3140 Pullman Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Refreshments will be served
Join the Orange County Chapter of the Western Pension & Benefits Council as we present an evening at Tesla.
Take a Test Drive or Take a Tesla home for the evening!
Paid-up Members Only!
Space is limited
- Individual Membership – all meetings are priced separately - $150
- Gold Membership – all 8 Breakfast Forums are included - $400
- Corporate Membership – 3 Gold Memberships - $1,050
- Sponsor - Corporate Membership plus your company logo featured at all meetings, on a PowerPoint, Newsletters, flyers, on the WP&BC website with a link to your website. - $2,500
Membership Payment may be made by check to the WPBC and sent to the address below or made on our secure website online.
A Corporate Membership provides a company with greater flexibility. With a Corporate Membership, your company may send any three (3) employees to attend all 8 Breakfast Forums at no charge.
Members receive reduced registration fees for all other events including our Technical Lunches, webinars and the 2019 Western Benefits Annual Conference in Coronado.
Questions? Call Marti, WP&BC-OC Chapter Administrator at 949-859-6277
24001 Calle de la Magdalena, 2715
Laguna Hills, CA 92653-2715
If you are interested in being a WP&BC-OC Sponsor, call Tom Drosky at 619-916-9207 or email: tdrosky@penchecks.com.